20 July 2014

20 things I've learnt in my 20 years

Yeah, wow. 20. What. When. How did that happen? It seems so far away from being a teenager. I celebrated my birthday just less than a week ago and I am so thankful for this life and the love and everything. 
For you, I have compiled a list of things I have learnt in my 20 years on this earth.


1. Your mother is usually right (and in my case, actually knows almost everything)
It's probably not until you are 20 years old and living on the other side of the world that you'll realise. And you'd better dang thank her for it. 

2. Love is a beautiful thing. And being in love is an extraordinary thing.
I fell in love and the feeling was the best in the world. Watching people in love and the way they look at each other is incredible. 

3. Be the youest you that you can.
No one else is you, so don't be someone else. Embrace who you are and be proud of it. 

4. Happiness will get you through the day
There's something good in everyday. Even if it's tucking yourself into bed that night.

5. The richness of travelling. 
There is nothing more thrilling and rewarding than travelling. The people you'll meet and the places you'll go. Buy that ticket, now! 

6. Sometimes you need to forgive.
Forgive others not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. 

7. And sometimes you don't.

8. The scariest thing is living in one place for too long.
Having a routine. Living the same life each day. It's daunting. 

9. Conquering fears makes happiness
Nothing puts a smile on my face quite like doing something that scares me. Do something each day that scares you. 

10. Be kind to everyone you meet. You never know what some people are going through.
There's no reason to not treat someone kindly. Just be nice. 

11. Chase your dreams. And flipping sprint after them.
If you want it, go for it. Eating ice-cream on your bedroom floor, thinking about them won't make you half as happy as doing it. 

12. Quit worrying.
It will just make your hair go grey. 

13. Gratitude.
Be thankful for everything you have.

14. Life can change in a second. For better or worse.
Watching friends get married. Lives lost. Losing relationships. Moving away from home. It's scary. 

15. Like the saying goes, you won't look back and remember the nights you had plenty of sleep.
You might be tired but don't fall for it. The best nights are the ones with no sleep and a rewarding sunrise to end with.

16. Life's too short to wear shoes.
This is probably my favourite of them all. 

17. To listen; it's a powerful thing.
"Most people don't listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply." 

18. The truth is always the better option.
A lie will always hurt someone. 

19. Growing up is a choice.
Just because the numeral that 'defines' you ascends, doesn't mean maturity levels have to. Eat dessert before dinner. Kick that soccer ball until the street lights come on. And swim in the ocean fully clothed. 

20. Your family are the best friends you'll ever have.
Truly. And remember it.

(Below are a few of snaps of me frolicking in a field of wheat on my birthday. It was the most wicked fun day in the sun)

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