25 October 2014

Much gratitude

I'm sitting here, cosied up in bed, as the English weather plays it part outside. A cup of Earl Grey served in the most patriotic British mug ever and no plans for the day. 

This is one end of the Happiness scale. 

The other end is spending each waking moment in the sunshine, surrounded by friends and family, adventuring each little bit of the surrounding area. Taking dips in the salty, crystal clear ocean and not resting until the sun goes down. 

I am so blessed to be able to experience what I have and when I have. Blessed to have the most darling people on different sides of the world, making it hard to define where home is. Thank you to everyone in my life who plays a part, who's taught me what I want. Helped me when I don't know and loved me when I needed it.

Thank YOU for helping me become who I am.
