12 August 2014


"When I say I want to travel I don't mean I want to stay at resorts and go on tours with tour guides or buy key chains from souvenir shops. I don't want to be a tourist. When I say I want to travel I mean I want to explore another country and become part of it. I want to discover small coffee shops in Germany and Italy and France. I want to walk on beaches in Australia and browse the book stores of England. I want to hike the Great Wall of China and go cliff diving in Hawaii. I want to meet people who are not like me, but people who I can like all the same. I want to take pictures of things and places and people I meet. I want my mind to be in constant awe of life on earth. I want to see things with new eyes. I want to look at a map and be able to remember how I was transformed by the places I've been to the things I've seen and the people I've met. I want to come home and realise that i have not come home whole but have let a piece of my heart in each place I have been. This, I think, is what is at the heart of Adventure and this is why I plan on making my life one."


  1. Can't wait to see what new places you are exploring. Wanderlust for sure!!
    xo TJ


    1. I all giddy with excitement! Ps, I love love love your blog! :) xx
