30 December 2015

A tale from Thailand

At the end of 2012 I went to Thailand with the high school I used to attend, it was part of an organised trip where we visited the kids in our sister school, helped in the process of building a new school and learnt all about life in Thailand. This was my first overseas trip and what one to start with.
It's amazing what we can learn from others and to be honest I think it's one of the most important teachings in life. Not in a sense that will always make you a brighter, smarter or instinctively a better thinker but rather just about life - how to find happiness in life and the simplicity in how to do it.
What it means to care for others and the importance of selflessness.
How to live a sustainable life, how usually the less we have the less we want.
It's been 3 years, almost to the date, but the memories are so valuable and the lessons still so prominent. 

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