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Noosa. Another place to add to list of where my heart has been left. In fact, this is probably where it was born. To describe this place in...
I think Facebook introduced me to this one. Woah, good job facey, definitely some brownie points for you. Authentic and honest, his sound ...
29 June 2016
21 January 2016
It’s anything and everything. It’s one’s creative passion as it is to another’s community work. It’s life changing and inspirational, and it’s something we should all to learn from.
The natural emotion that gives us sparks and from it stems our dreams and hopes. It’s makes us the believers and world changers that we are.
I love nothing more than hearing someone talk about their passion, in every detail. The bits that sound to you like a foreign language, when they say it their eyes light up. A fire in them ignites. They feel like they can be all that they want. There's no shame and no apologies just insane honesty and vulnerability, I love them for their bravery and desire. They are passionate.
Fortunately I met a group of people who are just that, passionate. Our interests all similar, although nonetheless passionate hearts. It's incredibly inspiring to be around them and it's in those moments that you too realise what you are capable of, what your dreams are and what you need to and can achieve in life.
Be passionate but most of all listen to others passions, it's the most beautiful thing.
Fortunately I met a group of people who are just that, passionate. Our interests all similar, although nonetheless passionate hearts. It's incredibly inspiring to be around them and it's in those moments that you too realise what you are capable of, what your dreams are and what you need to and can achieve in life.
Be passionate but most of all listen to others passions, it's the most beautiful thing.
Passion motto: "Show up erryday"
20 January 2016
Ben Howard
If there is ever a musician I would say you had to see before you died it would be really hard decision, but Ben Howard comes pretty close. Admittedly it took me longer to discover this man than most of the rest of the world. Although I can't tell you why, I'm sure the amount of plays he's had in the last year has to make up for it.
It was a dreary Thursday evening in London, the O2 was bursting at the doors in anticipation of being serenaded by the beach inspired indie sound of this humble English surfer. I know the feeling all too well. Howard has a stage presence that takes you elsewhere, you forget he's been playing riffs from the same song for 5 minutes, without any lyrics. You see his genuine love for the art of music and realise there's more to it than a surfer with a British accent.
11th Dec. 2014 - O2 Brixton
11th Dec. 2014 - O2 Brixton
4 January 2016
I'm Ghana do this
34 days.
48,960 minutes.
816 hours.
Thirty-four days.
That's how long it is before I get on a plane to Ghana, Africa. For 3 months (not on the plane, but on the continent).
Daunting is the best, and only way at the moment, way to describe it.
I'm part of a team going to Ghana to help with an international development programme call ICS that is funded by the UK government and partnered with Lattitude. It was designed to encourage people to become active citizens, in their own communities and internationally.
Being able to give people what they need, help them improve their lives in ways they aren't able to do without help and in turn learn from them is something I'm so grateful to be a part of. I can't wait to immerse myself in their culture, learn their traditions and hear their stories.
Some dreams are so great that when they're fulfilled it feels slightly like something from a film, merely like something you watch from the outside and you're not part of yourself. That's the fun part, I think, and exactly how I'm feeling. Alongside all the grown up responsibilities I have in life before I leave, there's not much room to think about it. That's a good thing though, because I would equally think about the fun as I would the scary, so we'll leave it all a mystery - and I like surprises.
Follow the trip on instagram and here also, because I'm sure there'll be a picture or two in my time there.
30 December 2015
A tale from Thailand
It's amazing what we can learn from others and to be honest I think it's one of the most important teachings in life. Not in a sense that will always make you a brighter, smarter or instinctively a better thinker but rather just about life - how to find happiness in life and the simplicity in how to do it.
What it means to care for others and the importance of selflessness.
How to live a sustainable life, how usually the less we have the less we want.
It's been 3 years, almost to the date, but the memories are so valuable and the lessons still so prominent.
5 November 2015

You know how sometimes you're head over heels in love with a band and your live gig expectations for them are really high and then they disappoint?
And you know how sometimes your expectations are high and they effortlessly exceed them?
I feel these days it does't happen that often, but my friends we've got a definite winner here.
Let me positively change your life and introduce you to Palace (you're welcome), because my god they are charming.
I was completely astounded from their first chord, Leo's voice is just as good (actually better) live than recorded. Their music is so real, meaningful and above all effing good. It's so refreshing to find bands around these days who make such good music. It's evident through their music, film clips and interviews they are humble and daringly passionate in what they're doing.
They played Green Door Store in Brighton a couple of weeks back and I'm going to say it now, and forever hold my peace, but these boys are the best band I've seen live. I was left absolutely speechless.
I took some photos, which I'm not super happy with (except the top one of Leo, one of my faves ever) but plz enjoy.
Also, with fear of sounding shallow I think we should also take a second to appreciate that they attracted a really good looking audience.
A few weeks back I decided to take that leap again and go to a gig alone and boy I'm glad I did because not only did these guys absolutely nail it but so did their support.
Honestly I don't remember where I discovered Gengahr, I think possibly in the line up of a festival somewhere over the course of this year. Actually, I remember having them circled on a programme for one but never making it to the gig.
Lucky for me Brighton is a hot spot for up and coming/good music, so the chance again arose. Safe to say I snatched this one with two hands.
Honestly I'm not super happy with these photos, but I'm taking it entirely as a lesson that needs to be learnt.
Ps, listen to Gengahr
15 October 2015
Keep your eyes up: October
Better late than never, right. They've been playing all year and they are just great, so great.
Slapshh - Headspins
Swim Deep - Honey
Blossoms - Cut Me and I'll Bleed
Will & The People - Lion in the Morning Sun
Model Aeroplanes - Club Low
St Raymond - As we are Now
6 October 2015
The Vaccines

Night 2 of The Great Escape 2015, surprise act happens to be my favourite band at the time, who you've probably guessed from the title was The Vaccines. I changed my plans that night to ensure I was front row - living in that moment.
Now, honestly, they weren't my favourite live band but I still love their recorded stuff and they were still a whole lot of fun.
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